Family Names in Hall County Wills, Estates, Church Records
Genealogists should research the Cobb, Cherokee, Floyd, Hall, and Forsyth County records for ancestors in this section of Georgia, as many families traveled together, intermarried, etc. Hall County was created in 1818 from lands ceded by the Cherokee Indians on July 8, 1817, in the Treaty of the Cherokee Agency. Additional Cherokee lands were ceded to Georgia on Feb. 27, 1819, in the Treaty of Washington which included the western portions of Habersham and Hall counties. In 1820 a land lottery was held for lucky drawers, which granted 250 acres of land. It was named for Lyman Hall (of Connecticut), one of Georgia’s three signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Looking for Ancestors? Here is a comment about G. L. Barker from The Southern States Magazine, March 1894
Sometimes to find ancestors the researcher must seek rare and interesting resources. There are genealogical and historical magazines out there. ” G. N. Barker, a resident of Longstreet, Georgia in 1889, occupied in stock raising, etc., I may be able to point out a few advantages and differences relative to these parts. What will strike the farmer most on arriving in this section is the total absence of grass meadows or any visible facilities for the pasturing of stock, but curiously enough, an abundance of fairly nutritious hay may be cut during summer, of sufficient nutritive value with the assistance of a little grain for stock. The corn crop is light per acre to the one used in the West; oats, however, yield well when well cultivated, and are off the ground in May, the same ground making also a good hay crop the same year. Bermuda grass makes an inexhaustible supply of pasture for all stock, except for three winter months when green rye, barley, or oats will take its place. Italian ryegrass I have found grows luxuriantly during winter and spring, and it makes more milk than almost any herb. Red top grass also succeeds well. During summer there is an abundance of forage crops for all classes of stock, and of good nutritious quality. Stock is healthy here, provided it is kept clean and not overfed with too highly fattening foodstuffs. ” Source: The Southern States, March 1894, An Illustrated Monthly Magazine Devoted to the South.
Hall County Georgia Wills, Estates, Marriages
- Hall County Wills 1837-1867 (abstracts)
- Index to Hall County Miscellaneous Estates, Wills, Inventories, Appraisements, Annual Returns, Vouchers, Book A, 1819-1838
- Index to Hall County Wills, Book A, 1837-1867
- Index to Hall County Wills, Book R, 1868-1890
- Hall County Marriages 1819-1850.
Miscellaneous Wills and Estates
- Chastain, William (estate image).
- Chastain, William (inventory image).
- Chastain, William (administration image).
- Lockhart, Vincent, Agreement Between Heirs (1893)(image).
- McConnell, John Sr., LWT, transcription (1821).
- Thacker, William (estate image).
Military Records
- Revolutionary War Soldiers from Hall County
- Revolutionary War Soldiers Eligible to Draw in Land Lottery
- 1836 Muster of Gainesville Dragoons
- 27th Regiment, C. S. A. Muster Roll
- Hall County Muster Roll, C. S. A.
- 1897 Civil War Reunion
- Hall County Pensions 1918-1921
- Hall County Roll of Invalid Soldiers Pensions 1914-1920
Church Records
- Minutes of the Hopewell Church, Gainesville
Early Settlers
- Sketches published in The Daily Times, Gainesville
- Residents of Cave Springs
- Settlers of the Nacoochee Valley
- Physicians in Hall County
Online Images of Newspapers (select issues)
- The Baptist Sun
- The Flowery Branch
Traced Genealogies of Hall County Families
- Bird
- Hall
- Loggins
- McCleskey
- Mullins
- Orr
- Sinyard
- Trout
- Whelchel
- Wilson
They Traveled Far in Search of a Home
- The Loggins family were among those who went West into Augusta and Orange Counties, Virginia. At the onset of the Revolutionary War, John Loggins Sr. enlisted in the 2nd Regiment of the Virginia Line. He was forty-four years of age. Afterward, he removed to Halifax County, Virginia, then on to Union County and Pendleton District, South Carolina. His son, John, also served in the war and made his residence in Hall County.

1889 Camp Bros Stables, Gainesville

1889 Hudson-House, Gainesville

Pacolet Cotton Mills, Gainesville, 1801

Wholesale and Retail Stores of John A. Smith Mfg. Co., Gainesville 1901