Jasper County Wills, Estates, Annual Returns, Vouchers, Marriages
Baldwin, Butts, Putnam, and Morgan County records should also be researched by genealogists. The earliest settlers were: Seymour Byrom, Moses Duff, William Deal, Radford Ellis, Robert Estes, Ira Foreman, John Freeman, Stewart Owens, James Patrick, John Parks, William Vardeman, and Joseph White. Jasper was the first Old Randolph County. Jasper County was created in 1807 from Baldwin County and called Randolph County. The present-day Randolph County was created on December 20, 1828. Part of Jasper was given to Morgan in 1815 and part to Newton in 1821. The name was changed on December 10, 1812, to Jasper County and named in honor of William Jasper, an officer in Colonel William Moultrie’s Second South Carolina Infantry, in 1775. The county seat is Monticello.
Note: Most of the Jasper County wills and estates are not indexed. Except for this publication, you would have to go page by page to know if your ancestors were there.
Indexes to Probate Records
- Wills, Appraisements, Bills of Sale, Annual Returns, 1813-1820.
- Wills 1815-1820.
- Wills, Appraisements, Bills of Sale, Annual Returns, 1797-1819.
- Book A (1808-1820)
- Book B (1811-1841).
Miscellaneous Wills & Estates
- Holland, G. W., original papers, estate (image)
- Holland, Henry Holland, original papers, estate (image)
- Holland, James W. Holland, original papers, estate (image)
- Holland, Jonas, original papers, estate (image)
- Holland, Lawson S., original papers, estate (image)
- Holland, Lewis C., original papers, estate (image)
- Holland, L. P., original papers, estate (image)
- Holland, Margaret, original papers, estate (image)
- Holland, William T. Holland, original papers, estate (image)
- Langham, James, LWT (1823) (Image)
Traced Genealogies:
Jasper County Families
- Burks
- Cornwell
- Freeman
- Grant
- Hill
- Lynch
- McMichael
- Morgan
- Preston
- Reeves
- Spearman
New Addition: Images of Wills, Estates, etc. 1809-1815
Images of Wills, Appraisements, Bills of Sale, Annual Returns, Book C, 1797 to 1819
Images of Wills, Appraisements, Bills of Sale, Annual Returns, Book 9, 1828 to 1829
Testators, estates: Cornwell, Elijah; Deadwilder, Eve; Grimmett, Sarah; Harris, James, minor; Higginbotham, Jacob; Holland, Lewis C., guardian of wife, Lavisa; McDaniel, Yancey; McMurray, John; Meriwether, Thomas; Purifoy, Arrington

Images of Wills, Appraisements, Bills of Sale, Annual Returns, Book 1, 1813 to 1817
Testators: Fitzpatrick, William ; Ivie, Lott ; Laws, Martin ; Mayo, Nancy ; McAfee, Green ; McMichael, William; Phillips, Isaac ; Powell, William ; Waits, John: Wise, Barney
Images of ills, Appraisements, Bills of Sale, Annual Returns, Book 2, 1813 to 1820
Testators: Anthony, James ; Bass, Allen ; Brown, Leyman ; Bryers, Lowrance ; Bullard, Wiley ; Byrom, Seymour ; Cassels, John ; Cole, Rene ; Dennis, Jesse ; Estes, Robert ; Freeman, John ; Graham, James ; Greer, Aaron ; Hodge, William ; Kendrick, Shelldrake ; Lanier, William ; Lawson, William ; Lee, William ; McGehee, Edward; McMichael, James ; Moffett, Thomas ; Morgan, John ; Morgan, M. ; Morris, John ; Parks, John ; Patrick, James ; Patrick, John ; Reeves, Jesse ; Reid, Nancy ; Richardson, Enoch; Robinson, John ; Slappey, John ; Smith, Abraham ; Smith, Nathan ; Stean, Burton ; Sullivan, John ; Towns, Joel ; Whatley, Gennett ; White, Joseph
Images of Will Book A (1814-1818)
- Testators:
- Bass, Allen
- Bullard, Wiley
- Bullard, William
- Bynum, Solomon
- Byron, Seymore
- Capels, John
- Cole, Rene
- Davis, Thomas
- Dennis, Jesse
- Duff, Moses
- Estes, Robert
- Greer, Aaron
- Harro?, John
- Hall, Nathaniel
- Hartsfield, Sarah
- Hill, Lawson
- Hill, Samuel
- Hodge, William
- Holloway, Samuel
- Huggins, John M.
- Jackson, Isaac
- Kelsey, George
- Lawson, Richard
- Lawson, William
- Lee, Will
- McMichel, James
- McMichel, James (same as above, darkened)
- Megehee, Edward
- Miller, John
- Mitchell, Richard
- Moffett, Thomas
- Moore, John
- Morgan, John
- Morris, John
- Owens, Stewart
- Parks, John B.
- Parrott, Henry Estate
- Patrick, James
- Patrick, John G.
- Patrick, Jonathan
- Patrick Orphans
- Reeves, Jesse
- Reeves, Samuel
- Richardson, Crock
- Right, James
- Robertson, John B.
- Robinson, John
- Rogers, Lawrence
- Sanders, Sterling
- Smith, Abraham
- Smith, Nathan
- Starr, Burton
- Stean, Burton
- Steedman (or Studman), John
- Taylor, Hampton
- Taylor, James
- Traylor, C. T.
- Traylor, Thomas
- Vardeman, William
- White, Joseph
- Wise, Patton
Images of Wills & Estates 1837-1856
- Andrews, James (Orphans0
- Baldwin, Andrew
- Barber, Joseph
- Belcher, Green Berry
- Boswell, Elizabeth
- Boswell, William
- Boswell, Williamson
- Brooks, W. L., minor
- Bryers, Alfred
- Cargile, Joseph
- Clay, Hezekiah
- Crain, Elizabeth
- Crawford, Samuel
- Dodson, Elijah
- Duncan, Thomas
- Folds, James
- Gaston minors
- Goolsby, James B.
- Hairston, Thomas
- Hancock, William
- Horton, Joseph
- Johnson, James
- Johnston, Francis
- Johnston, William
- Jones, William Sr.
- Knight, John
- Lawson, Mary
- Lewis, James
- Mason, Mabel
- McClendon, Joel
- McDowell, Mary Ann
- McKennie, James
- Minter, Richard
- Morgan, Ada
- Morgan Orphans
- Morgan, Luke J.
- Paten, Anthony
- Peeler, Anthony
- Peeler, Edna
- Peeler, Samuel
- Penn, William
- Roby, Williamson B.
- Saunders, Ephraim
- Sisson, Edward S.
- Slaughter, John B.
- Tuggle, Rebecca
- Waits, Alphonso
- Waits, Benjamin
- Walton, Bluford
- Ware, Joseph D.
- Weldon, Andrew
- Wellborn, William T.
- Wood, John
- Willson?, Elijah, orphan of Joseph Wilson
- Wise, James
- Wright George W.
- Wright, John
- Young, George
Will Book B (1818-1836)
Alexander, Adam
- Allen, David
- Appling, Otho H.
- Ball, Jesse
- Blount, John, orphans of
- Boram, George
- Boram, John
- Brooks, James
- Brown, Jeremiah
- Brown, Mary
- Brown, Samuel
- Bryers, Laurence
- Buis, John
- Bullard, James, Jr.
- Bullard, Jesse
- Butler, Thomas
- Byrom, John
- Callaway, John
- Cargile, Charles, Jr., orphan of John
- Cargile, Lavisey W.
- Caswell, Elijah
- Chapman, Edmond
- Churchwell
- Clements, Allen
- Clements, Peyton
- Cochran, John
- Couch, Moses
- Crain, Spencer
- Croll, James
- Deadwilder, David
- Deal, M.
- Doggett, John
- Ellis, Radford
- Emmett, William
- Evans, Benjamin
- Flournoy, Gibson
- Freeman, Timothy
- Gaston, Thomas
- Grant, Thomas
- Greenwood, Sarah E.
- Gregory, Matthew
- Grinell, James T.
- Hadley, Thomas
- Harris, John
- Hawkins, John W.
- Hays, James
- Heard, Thomas
- Hill, Isaac
- Hill, Theophilis
- Hill, William
- Hobson, John
- Holifield, Mary
- Huff, Thomas
- Jackson, John
- Jefferson, Barnaby
- Jones, Hugh
- Jones, John W.
- Kelly, Daniel
- Lasseter, Charles’ Orphans
- Ledbetter, Benjamin
- Loyd, Thomas
- Lucas, John
- Mapp, Jeremiah
- McCushin, John
- McDavid, Nancy
- McDowell, Temperance
- McHenry, John
- McKleroy, William and John
- McMichael, David
- Meriwether, George A.
- Moffett, John
- Moses, John
- Moses, Joseph
- Ozborn, William
- Parkam Orphans
- Parkwood, John
- Paschal, Samuel
- Perkins, Archibald
- Perkins, Doct. A.
- Pinson, James
- Pou?, James
- Ramey, Alexander
- Ray, Solomon
- Reeves, George
- Respass, Christopher
- Sistrunk, Samuel
- Smith, Elizabeth
- Turner, John G.
- Waddell, Marshal
- Warren, Nathan
- Weathersby, Owen, John
- White, Samuel
- Willis, Jonathan
- Wise, Patten
- Wooten, Elizabeth
- Wright, George W.
- Wright, John
Images of Wills, Appraisements, Inventories, etc., Book 3 (1821 to 1823)
- Testators: Estates:
- Darden, John
- Elliot, William
- Flowers, Edward
- Gardner, Etheldred
- Gray, Martha
- Harval, Mason
- Henderson, John
- Hodnett, Benjamin
- Johnson, Walter
- Lloyd, Edmund
- McLemore, Catherine
- McLemore, John
- McMichel, Zachariah
- Powell, Moses
- Robinson, Elizabeth
- Robinson, Thomas
- Rodgers, John
- Rodden, Abner
- Slaughter, Henry
- Smart, Francis
- Tucker, Thomas
Images of Wills, Appraisements, Inventories, etc., Book 4, 1822 to 1823
- Boykin, Francis Compton, Pleasant
- Cole, Duke ; Dabney, Anderson; Harral, James ; Higginbotham, Joseph; Holloway, Jesse ; Johnson, William ; Lunsford, Leonard ; McDowell, William ; McLemore, Catherine ; Moseley, Henry ; Pickett, John ; Starnes, Elizabeth; Taylor, Anna ; Ware, Henry ; Williamson, Isaac; Wilson, Joseph
Images of Wills, Appraisements, Inventories, etc., Book 5, 1824 to 1833
Testators: Benton, Jeremiah ; Brewer, J. E. ; Brown, Bartlett ; Collier, John ; Daniel, Levi ; Farley, James ; Farley, John ; Goolsby, John ; Hayes, James ; Mitchell, William ; Tinsley, Lucy ; Willis, Arthur ; Willson, John;
Images of Wills, Appraisements, Bills of Sale, Annual Returns, Book 10, 1830 to 1839
Testators: Abbott, Ezekiel ; Adams, David ; Adams, Jonathan ; Alexander, Adam ; Alexander, James, minor ; Armstrong, William ; Banks, John ; Beasley, Robert ; Bender, John ; Boswell, Henry ; Brooks, Walker ; Buchanan, James ; Bullard, James ; Bullard, Sarah ; Cargile, John ; Case, Wiley ; Clay, Jesse ; Coats, James ; Cox, Middleton, orphans of ; Cox, Sarah ; Dean, Thomas ; Digby, John ; Egrew, William ; Estes, Catherine ; Ezell, John ; Germain, William ; Glenn, Thornton ; Goode, Jesse ; Harvey, Zephaniah ; Holifield, Wiley ; Jenkins, Francis ; Knight, James ; Ledbetter, Henry ; Lloyd, John ; Malone, Sherod ; Mays, Abner ; McDaniel, Benjamin, orphans of ; McFall, Nancy ; McMichael, David ; Miller, William ; Montgomery, Benjamin ; Montgomery, David ; Morgan, Stokely ; Morris, John ; Payne, John ; Phillips, James ; Potts, Stephen ; Pou, James ; Ramey, Absalom ; Rivers, James ; Robey, Nathan ; Robey, Williamson ; Robinson, Cornelius ; Ross, James (75 pages); Rucker, Martin ; Sale, A. ; Sharp, James ; Smith, Abraham and Sarah ; Smith, Alexander ; Smith, Eliza ; Smith, Thomas ; Stokes, William ; Sturdivant, John ; Thompson, Hannah ; Turner, John ; Waldrop, Solomon ; Walker, Moses ; Welden, Isaac ; Whitaker, Ensign ; White, William ; Wilkins, David ; Wilkins, Drury ; Wilson, Archillus ; Wilson, Elijah ; Wilson, Sarah ; Winn, Franklin ; Wisdom, Francis ; Wooten, Elizabeth
Images of Wills and Estates, Book 11, 1836 to 1844
- Adams, David
- Armstrong, William
- Askew, WIlliam
- Banks, D.
- Breedlove, Anne
- Bruce, John
- Castleberry, Thomas
- Cox, Mary
- Cox, Sarah
- Cross, John
- Doggett, Garner
- Doggett, Mary Ann
- Doggett, Nancy
- Dunn, Gates Wood
- Edmondson, Matilda
- Eubanks, Magers
- Ezell, John
- Goode, Jesse
- Gross, John
- Henderson, James
- Huff, Ralph
- Johnson, Thomas
- Jones, Reuben Sr.
- King, Nancy and William
- King, Richard
- Lumsden, Jeremiah
- Malone, Jarrett
- McClendon, Stephen
- McDaniel, George
- McDaniel, Jacob
- Meriwether, George
- Moreland, Francis
- Morgan, Charles
- Moss, Arabella
- Newby, John
- Penn, William
- Pope, Alex
- Pou, James
- Ratcliff, Moses
- Reid, Samuel
- Robertson, Cornelius
- Robey, Elizer Jane
- Roby, Milledge
- Ross, James
- Russell, Charles
- Russel, Charles T.
- Stokes, Ignatius
- Traylor, William H.
- Traylor, William Tuggle, GarnerTuggle, Robert
- Waggoner, Hiram
- Wiggins, Wade
- Wilson, Joseph A.
- Wilson, Joseph
- Willson, Joseph
The Plantation Journal of Seaborn Hawks