
Names of Families in Twiggs County Wills, Estates, Marriages, Maps

Twiggs County was created in 1809 from Wilkinson County and was named for General John Twiggs, a prominent leader in the Revolutionary War and the Indian Wars. Parts of the county were added to Bibb County in 1833, 1842, 1849, 1851, 1875, 1876, and 1877. Neighboring counties are Wilkinson, Bleckley, Houston, Bibb, and Jones. The Ocmulgee River borders the county on the west. The county seat was first in Marion, named after General Francis Marion but in 1868 it was moved to Jeffersonville 6 miles east of Marion. The first settlers were named in White’s Historical Collections of Georgia as follows: Arthur Fort, Ezekial Wimberly, William Perry, Henry Wall, William Crocker, General Tarver, Ira Peck, John Fulton, John Everitt, D. Williams, Joel Denson, S. Jones, Willis Hodgins, Milton Wilder, Josiah Murphy, Davis Lowery, C. Johnson, C. A. Thorpe, John Davis, C. W. Melton, B. Ray, S. Harrell, T. Harrington, H. Sullivan, Others were General Ezekial Wimberly, Colonel James W. Fannin, Thaddeus Oliver, General Hartwell H. Tarver, Robert L. Perryman, Robert A. Everett, Stephen F. Miller, Governor James M. Smith, Judge A.T. MacIntyre, Dr. James E. Dickey, General Philip Cook, Honorable Dudley N. Hughes, J. A. Barclay, S. J. Bond, Wesley Binn, Victoria Bryant, Daniel Bullard, John Cribb, Joshua Chance, George Chapman Sr., John H. Denson. The courthouse of Twiggs County was destroyed by fire on February 7, 1901, thus destroying the early wills and other records. County seat: Jeffersonville.

The courthouse of Twiggs County was destroyed by fire on February 7, 1901, thus destroying the early wills and other records.


Map of Marion, founded in 1810. Twiggs County


Index to Marriages 1894-1989

Indexes to Probate Records

  • Will Bk I, 1875-1956
  • Divisions of Estates, 1898-1954
  • Inventories and Appraisements, 1892-1926
  • Annual Returns, 1894-1911
  • Estate Records 1898-1954
  • Inventories, Appraisements, 1892-1926
  • 12-Months Support, 1917-1924

Images of Twiggs County Wills (all of them) 1872-1904

Testators: Asbill, Elisha (1849); Barclay, J. A.; Cribb, John;Dawson, Elizabeth; Everett, Elizabeth;Faulk, William;Hughes, Hayden; Lowe, John;Moss, Anderson;Perry, Martha;Phillips, H. H.; Sims, Nancy;Solomon, Sarah;Solomon (bond);Solomon, W. L.
Traced Genealogies: Twiggs County Families
Adams Fisher Tarver Twiggs

How Far Back Can You Remember?

As doing research sharpens memory, genealogy gives and gives. The genealogist may not remember the name of a friend or neighbor, however, has a total recall of the names of ancestors, places, and dates. As society embraces memory enhancement exercises such as crossword puzzles and brain teasers, everyone, sooner or later, realizes a certain loss of memory. We even joke about it. The old adage “use it or lose it” is so true of declining memory. Yet, the researcher awakes during the middle of the night with such thoughts as “where was Jane Chambliss in 1850?” Yet, I wonder, as the age of technology swoops us all up, shouldn’t we continue to do our own math, use maps for navigation, and remain mentally alert? The children of today do not use a road map to navigate from one place to the next. So, what gets lost? Why directional skills and the visualization in the mind of maneuvering from one direction into another locale. In Atlanta, for example, if you are intercepting I-285, you need to know your immediate location, whether North, South, East, or West. No more. One can use an app such as Waze and allow audio instruction throughout the trip. The first option of a genealogist is to acquire a county map that provides a visual of the location of old churches, cemeteries, railroads, and other landmarks. It is nice to have genealogy records indexed, however, the taste is in the pudding. Thus, the genealogist examines all of the old documents, reads them carefully, and writes down names and witnesses. Thus, the skills of digging for information, studying documents, and discovering historical truths all contribute to healthy brain cells. The modern world does not require details. But we do.

Is There a "Poison Pill" in Genealogy?

Remember how Ted Cruz inserted a poison pill in the amnesty bill propounded by Chuck Schumer and Marco Rubio? The Bill was ready to present when Cruz (and other republicans) attached a phrase that totally removed citizenship from recipients of amnesty. There is no way that the democrats would accept such an amendment because their primary reason for amnesty was to gain Hispanic voters into the Democratic Party. Therefore, the so-called poison pill killed the Bill! The party is taking another route. At this writing, California is floating a Bill to grant ” all illegals” the right to vote. They did a “work-around.” There is a lot of time that genealogists need to do a ” workaround.” Take Taliaferro County, Georgia, for example, where courthouse records were lost. The first surviving book of wills begins in 1875. Yet, Taliaferro County played its necessary role on the pages of Georgia’s history. Its formation began in 1825 when a flux of settlers came from Wilkes, Greene, Hancock, Oglethorpe, and Warren Counties. That means that the search has to include those counties in every sense of the word. Every record, viz: deeds, marriages, plats, pensions, wills, estates, tax digests and defaulters, church and cemetery records, and so on, beg to be studied on behalf of the working families. Next comes a compilation of family group sheets for each family surname, whether or not related because, in the long run, later comparisons will help clarify relationships and migrations. 

So what attention should be given to the surviving Taliaferro records? It is incumbent upon the researcher to also examine those records, because these people are the children and grandchildren of the original settlers. Their documents reveal precious information, such as the location of the old homeplace, family cemeteries, church logs, and marriages. Please also compile family group sheets for the more recent generations. In other words, a clear understanding of relationships is desperately needed. Now that you have a bunch of names from records after 1875, you can locate the heirs of these people and learn more from family historians. Yet, another type of poison pill is certain to be included in the mix. And that is the inaccurate family stories and other information coming from relatives. As time goes by, one is usually able to uncover the actual facts concerning the relatives. For instance, the name of the first husband of Aunt Mary or the size of the family homestead (from county records). Most researchers are able to put together a fairly accurate version of the family stories to assist. All in all, it is the poison pills that constitute the substance of the entire research endeavor.